All posts by drushajain

Governor of Florida 2018 Dr. Usha Jain Frivolous Law Suits

Dr. Usha Jain …. to make a difference.

Dr. Usha Jain specialized in Emergency Medicine and also Anti-Aging and rRegenerative Medicine. Dr. Jain is an expert in treating the emergencies and also expert in preventing diseases by natural means of diet, exercise, vitamins and hormones. Dr. Jain has been practicing medicine for 37 years. Dr. Jain is a life long learner and truely feels blessed to be in America.

Why do I want to run for the Governor of Florida. Many reasons, but I will shed the light on frivolous law suits and the impact which imposes on the life of  working citizens emotionally and economically. Sometiimes the hard working citizens loses his shirt  and then it leads to helath problems etc.

Dr. Jain is going beyond the scope of medicine to make a difference.

There are so many frivolous law suits which affects the daily life of the hard working citizens specially the citizens who are employing the workers. Frivolous law suits might put money in the pocket of the attorney but sometimes it destroys the employer and thereby affects the economy of the country indirectly. Employer would be afraid to get the employees because of frivolous law suits from the attorneys representing nonsensical claims of the clients.. Employer gets pushed in to settle the claim even if the employer is right due to economic burden and emotional toll on the employer.

I would want to make a difference by making the strict rules where the attorney should be sanctioned and reprimanded for bringing  the baseless law suit without any merit.

My husband and I have gone through two claims of the hotel tfor wage and hour. In our first case our attorney did not do anything for two years and then we have to represent ourselves in the Federal Court. Second case of the hotel was from Morgan and Morgan for a wage and hour claim again which was totally non-sensical and still continue to go on for eight months in the Federal Court. We feel truly blessed to have Google so we did defended ourselves and made him drop the claim.

Dr. Jain is a daughter of an attorney who was very well known for his honesty and never lost a case. I salute my dad. I have inherited the genes and I cannot give in for the wrongdoings.  The time my husband and I spent to make the attorneys drop the claim was uncountable but we living with a pride every day and that hard work brought victory for truth and honesty.

I want to help the citizens so all the frivolous law suits will decrease which in turn lead to productive and happy citizens, more jobs and more production. Morgan and Morgan lost money on their claim against us. There assertion that Morgan and Morgan for the People turned out to be false.

Dr. Usha Jain,Emergency Medicine,Anti-Aging,regenerative Medicine,Dr. Jain,treating the emergencies, expert in preventing diseases, by natural means of diet, exercise, vitamins and hormones.  life long learner, Governor of Florida. frivolous law suits,working citizens,emotionally stressed,economically stressed,health problems,scope of medicine,make a difference, frivolous law suits,  daily life of the hard working citizens, employers,attorney, economy of the country, nonsensical claims, settle the claim,economic burden, emotional toll,make a difference,attorney sanctions, attorney reprimand, baseless law suit, meritless suit,two claims of the hotel, wage and hour,self represent, Federal Cour,mogan and Morgan,wage and hour claim,non-sensical,truly blessed,Google, drop the claim,daughter of an attorney,honesty,salute,good attorney,inherited the genes,attorneys drop the claim,living with a pride,



Cultural Diversity and Celebration of Easter Dr. Usha Jain Orlando

Dr. Usha Jain is a medical director of the emergency center, walk in medical clinic (urgent care) in Orlando and has bee serving the community for 31 years. Dr. Jain specializes in emergency medicine and also specializes in Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine. Dr. Jain embraces the cultural diversity and likes to learn different cultures. Dr. Jain says that she learned many of her different cultures from India here in America. Dr. Jain advocates to learn the different cultures and then use that learning in your life to make your life happy which will give you the Anti-Aging.
Dr. Jain celebrated Navratri and start of a Hindu new year and also Easter on April 8, 2017. Dr. Jain incoporated five celebrations to tribute God on April 8, 2017. First was the celebrationof vasant Navratri, Mahavir Jayanti, Ram Navami, Easter and the victory of truth and honesty against a frivolous claim of Jain’s hotel from Morgan and Morgan.


Dr. Jain for Justice for Governor 2018 Walk in Clinic Orlando

There is no room for injustice specially in the United Staes of America. Many frivolous law suits are being brought to the citizens by attorneys which are fee driven suit. Right legislation is the way to make the justice system of United States to be the leader in the WorldFolks, Dr. Jain feels that Dr. Jain is the  best cheer leader for America. Dr. Jain is a citizen and lived in the country for more than 42 years.



Jingle Bell Merry Christmas Tour in Orlando by Dr. Usha Jain 32819

Dr. Jain is a medical doctor and enjoys dancing and singing specially for the God. Dr. Jain believes things can be done even if you are busy.  Here is an example of three things which are done with one work out. Dr. Jain work out in the morning with her husband. Exercise is in the form of dancing on a choreographed Bollywood music. It also does the worship because the songs to dance are for Hindu religion.

Dr. Jain feels like dancing and singing can bring happiness by producing happy hormones-Endorphins

Exercise, worship and practice for you performance= all in one.


Jingle Bell Christmas Dr. Usha Jain Governor for 2018

Dr. Usha Jain is an Anti-Aging expert and works in the walk in clinic in Orlando. Dr. Jain also loves to celebrate the festive activities by music, dance and dressing up. This brings the joy and positive energy which prevents health issues connected to depresson etc. The key for the health is also happiness. Chistmas carol specially jingle bells is well known and IS fun to sing. This video is an example of positive energy and happiness. Dr. Jain is running for Governor of Florida to help the citizens.

Cultural Diversity & Dr. Usha Jain for Governor 2018

Dr. Jain loves the cultural diversity which makes America a great country. The people love to come here and bring their talents to this country and that makes the country great with diversity.

Dr. Jain loves and blessed to be a doctor but now feels that America is her country. Dr. Jain’s mission is to stop the wrong doings. Dr. Jain had first hand experience of abuse of power and also the effectss of political connections .  Dr. Jain believes that this beautiful country with all the diversity can be maintained to be the leader in the world. I believe in fair and equittable treatment and equal justice in the law.

Dr. Jain wants to promote the community functions and to celebrate all the festivals. Diwali is one of the Hindu Festival and this is the few glimpse of her yearly Diwali celebration.



Dr. Usha Jain’s Work and Agenda against Bullying

Dr. Usha Jain is a physician who is going beyond the scope of medicine to help the citizens in Florida so there would be no bullying. Govt. of United States of America should be the best because America is the role model in the world.

Some officials abuse their power. Dr. Usha Jain has the first hand experience of bullying at the Federal, State and local level.

Folks, we live in America where there is no room for bullying. Dr. Jain have learned from her experience and now want to take it to the community so they can stand up against any bullying.

Vote for Dr. Usha Jain for Governor 2018

Thank you for your support and please share this video with your friends. Do not forget to vote for Dr. Usha Jain for Governorin 2018.

Dr. Usha Jain

Dr. Usha Jain for Governor 2018

Dr. Jain is a medical director but now is running for the Governor 2018. Dr. Jain has been in the Dr. Phillips community for 37 years and love to live in this community. My daughters went to Dr. Phillips High school.

I love everything abut Dr. Phillips and is very proud to be the part of the community.