Dr. Usha Jain is running for the United States Representative with her first Bill to be passed is the option of electronic filing for all in the justice system and the government. The people should not be unnecessarily standing in line when these can be filed via computer. This video is an interactive video that is about the denial of the use of technology to the self-representing citizen in the court system.
Electronic Filing for All for the Fair and Equal Justice
Dr. Usha Jain stands for protecting equal and fair justice and Dr. Jain’s beautiful way of giving the message in the form of lyrics and dance dictates that equal justice is important. The lyrics and the song is sung and danced by Dr. Jain.
United States Representative District 10 Candidate, Dr. Usha Jain’s interview with Marcel Poul of KYC. These are the platforms of Dr. Jain for running for the US House of Representatives.
1st amendment and right of free speech even with difference of opinion to be respected …Internet needs to protected
….2nd amendment and RIGHT to protect yourself with appropriate screening measures but under 18 medically are not biologically developed enough to take on the responsibility
….Big government: balance state and government roles and responsibilities
… Medical systems: should be doctor-centric and not business (insurance companies) centric.
… USA is the best place to be treated: we should cut the cost and make our system doctor centric.
… Global warming: pollution: let people figure out how to manage pollution based on organic and empirical methods and not government dictates.
… Global warming: not enough data: but: be proactive and responsive not necessarily have the government control it.
…law and law enforcement: accountability and training along with enforcement of law.
… Abortion: PRO LIFE: even animals: need a societal discourse on respect for when life is life from inception with respect for women’s rights
… Law and rights of the individuals to have the day in court especially for the individual who has no resources should not be denied their right for justice. Everyone should have access to justice independent of their financial abilities and you will FIGHT for that cause.
… pandemic and CDC guidance were being violated by the Govt. officials technology should be utilized (like: electronic remote hearing etc. to have a fair due process
… COVID management by closing borders to illegal immigrants.
… Education system: who should be in charge: the teachers and educators need to be in charge and not the political process dictating the education system: education is not a political process
… Education and equality and dress responsibility and parents involvement and appropriate family values should be given an opportunity to be practiced.
… what should be taught to our children: politeness and patriotism and math and other subjects and ability to FIGURE IT OUT and value of hard work: you as an individual are taking and practicing the best of your Indian heritage and the best of the American values for your children.
… no discrimination: period. … last question…just to clarify: what should be taught to the children by the government: answer: as example.. sex education is should not be a government dictate BUT a family responsibility.
Dr. Usha Jain is the medical director of Urgent and Anti-Aging Center for 37 years in Orlando. Dr. Jain helped people with their medical needs but now wants to go beyond the scope of medicine to help the citizens to promote health and also fairness.
Dr. Jain is a naturalized citizen and wants to educate people about their rights so fairness would be there.
1st Amendment has five subparts:
Freedom of Speech, freedom of religion, Free press (media), peacefully assembling to protest for right and fifth is the right to petition the Govt for a redress of grievances.
Lawyers are officers of the court. The court is an instrument of society for the administration of justice. Justice should be administered economically, efficiently, and expeditiously. The attorney’s fee is, therefore, a very important factor in the administration of justice, and if it is not determined with proper relation to that fact it results in a species of social malpractice that undermines the confidence of the public in the bench and bar. It does more than that; it brings the court into disrepute and destroys its power to perform adequately the function of its creation.
Dr. Usha Jain is a medical director of Anti-Aging and Urgent Care in Orlando. Dr. Jain is going beyond the scope of her medicine to serve and represent citizens in the community.
Dr. Jain states “I have been here in Dr. Phillips for 37 years. I started and I blossomed here. I am doing this so every single citizen in my community is treated fairly.
Campaign, congress, united states representative, District 10, Dr. Usha Jain, Dr. Usha Jain of Orlando, anti-aging center orlando, emergency medicine, fairness and equality, healthcare, judicial system, education system
Dr. Usha Jain who serves the community needs for emergencies in the Dr. Phillips area for 30 years, is now taking a stand on her mission and vision for District one of her community to be healthy and happy. Citizens would be happy if they are treated fairly, safe, and had the means to educate easily with good resources. Dr. Jain is taking a leadership role and running for the United States Representative. Dr. Jain wants to help the citizens beyond her scope of medicine and in all different areas.
Dr. Usha Jain,citizen,honest,encourage the citizens,to stand for their own rights,live in America,community needs for emergencies,in the Dr. Phillips area,stand on her mission and vision, District one,healthy and happy,treated fairly,safe,to educate easily,good resources,Dr. Jain is taking a leadership role,running for the County Commissioner,Dr. Jain,citizens beyond her scope of the medicine,Dr. Jain got the petitions,petitions,Dr. Jain was recommended,people in the community,Dr. Usha Jain,honest,encourage the citizens to stand for their own rights,live in America.
Running for United States Representative District 10