Happy Father’s day. Video with the link below in the first comment section is posted in the honor of congressman Scalise. Father’s Day is very special for America this year as one innocent father, congressman Scalise is in critical condition. Click on the link to watch the video https://goo.gl/dLuubW
Click on the link below in first comment section to watch the video in honor of the innocent victims of June 14th shooting.We celebrated Father’s Day spiritually to honor the Father of Universe and prayed for the blessing of love and respect for all the human being and speedy recovery for congressman scalise.
#fathersday #criticalcondition #congressmanscalise #innocentvictims#shootingofjune142017 #fatherofuniverse #blessings #love #respect#drushajain
Monthly Archives: June 2017
Happy Father’s Day from Dr. Usha Jain Orlando
Happy Father’s day to all the fathers and all of you. We celebrated Father’s Day spiritually to honor the Father of Universe and prayed for the blessing of love and respect for all the human being.
My father Ratanlal Banthia was an amazing and honest attorney in India. He was very famous for his fight against the honest people. As a matter of fact he never lost a case. He only represented the honest people. Our family was well to do but not reach. My father never made right in to wrong and wrong in to right. We walked in the town with the dignity that I was the daughter of an honest attorney. Wow! how great is that. Even judges knew that if my father is representing then the case is definitely a winner. Dad, I miss you so much and I am determined to follow your foot steps. I may need your help sometime so please help me if you can to save the honesty and truth.

Dr. Usha Jain Prays for God Bless America
Dr. Usha Jain prays for the innocent victims of the shooting yesterday 06-13-2017. May all victims have a speedy recovery. Please support them by wearing patriotic outfit and pray for the blessing. At this pooint we all need to pray and sing with heart, God bless America. #drushajain #patriotic #innocentvictims #sppedyrecovery