Category Archives: Tax Credits

Dr. Usha Jain for Unites States Representative for 2022 on Peoples Platforms

Dr. Usha Jain is an expert in treating diseased and also preventing diseases. Dr. Jain served the community of Orlando Florida for 37 years for the medical and urgent medical conditions of the citizens in the community. Dr. Jain has the passion to help and now going for the leadership role to help the citizens. Patriotism and the principles of America is the way to go.

Dr. Jain is running on Republican Platform

  1.  Choice of Health care
  2. Choice of schools and improve education
  3. Pro life 100%
  4. Educational and vocational training for the children
  5. Tax credits for the employers so more jobs gets created
  6. Reducing the red tapes so economy can grow freely.
  7. Improve roads and reduce Traffic
  8. Protect the 2nd Amendment
  9. Enforce the strict immigration laws
  10. Community functions a
  11. Safety by helping the Police force to apply strict Rules for the criminal activity to prevent the same in future

Dr. Usha Jain is an expert in treating diseased and also preventing diseases. Dr. Jain served the community of Orlando Florida for 37 years for the medical and urgent medical conditions of the citizens in the community. Dr. Jain has the passion to help and now going for the leadership role to help the citizens. Patriotism and the principles of America is the way to go.


Dr. Jain Art of Balancing the Hormone & Budget

Dr. Usha Jain is an expert in emergency medicine and anti-aging. Dr. Jain can treat the patient for sickness and also help the patient in meeting the anti-aging goals of the patient by a special art of balancing the hormone properly.

Balancing is an art and comes with the experience.

Dr. Jain wants to balance the budget also and make the funding properly spent so the right authority can be benefited specially the school teachers and police officers.

Tax credits can help the citizens and also can create jobs. If tax credits are given to the employers then more machinery would be bought and more employment which boosts the economy.

As a United States Representative if elected, Dr. Jain promote policies to promote housing for workers especially near public transportation..

Dr. Usha Jain,expert in emergency medicine,anti-aging. Dr. Jain, anti-aging goals of the patient,art of balancing the hormone,.