Dr. Jain is an expert in taking care of the health and preventing diseases by Anti-Aging tools of happiness, vitamins and hormones.
Dr. Jain has first hand experinence of the issues of the health care which I hear all day and truly want to help the citizens as health is wealth.
Dr. Jain feels that all American citizens should be entitled to get the treatment of their sickness. Govt. should have the hospital where every one could be treated whether they have insurance or not.
Citizens could chose a private doctor and pay for their fee if they decide to get a private treatment.
The middle class citizens are in the bad situation because they can not afford the deductibles even if they have the insurance. Citizens are suffering for their health care and proper treatment. Every citizens should be able to get the treatment regardless.
Early treatment and prevention of the disease can save lot of money in the long run for the State.
Middle class families are having hard time with the deductibles and 20% portion of their bills.
People who can afford can have doctors and care of their choice.
Liability insurance should have a reasonable cap in order to be treated freely with common sense.